My dear blog, I am very sorry that I have neglected you for the past two months. I do find it quite ironic that I stopped blogging at the exact point Savannah began walking, coincidence, I think not. This entry will be an update on our lives as well as a list of the top ten opportunities (not excuses) that have caused me to neglect my blog.
1. Prime example, while writing this entry I had to intervene while Savannah was pouring her puffs(which she does not like) down the AC/heat vent.
2. Savannah is walking and jumping and climbing etc!
3. It has been a million degrees here most days and keeping two stir crazy kids from going insane while preventing heat stroke is not an easy task.
4. My Grandma Jo (on my Dad's side) passed away.
5. My Dad has been very sick and we have been trying to figure out what is actually causing it, he has surgery this Thursday, hopefully some answers to follow.
6. Chris is 12! Which speaks for itself, trying to secretly help him work through becoming a teenager and leaving behind childhood is not easy. I say secretly since if he knows I am involved he will resist full force (I have no idea where he got that from)
7. Been agonizing over going back to work full time or not. I have decided if the opportunity presents itself, I will take it, but I will not seek it out!
8. Savannah had roseola, a GI virus, and cut her four top teeth ALL at the SAME TIME!
9. We went on vacation which became the Lampoon's vacay from hell!
10. Oh how could I forget, the house we are renting is on the market and we have been showing it and doing an open house once a month (I am getting financial compensation for this, but it is an amazing amount of work!)