7 months since I have blogged! 7 months.... I try to think what have I been doing in the last 7 months that I couldn't even write on my little blog.
Well....I accepted a promotion and went back to work full time,
Sav started daycare for the first time,
we moved again,
Chris started 7th grade (speaks for itself),
Sav has been sick with every virus that could possibly picked up at daycare, pink eye was added to the list last week, and today we are off to the pediatrician for who knows what,
My Dad had major lung surgery and coded after and has had a long recovery, but he is not smoking!!!!
My paternal Grandmother passed away, and I only pray that I have the same peace and dignity when it is my time.
I have decided to change the format for my blog. I am going to start writing letters to both of my children. I hope it will give me something to look back at, it can be a talking point for us later, and in the event that I leave them before I would like, it could give them my voice.
We shall see how it goes!!!!!