It is March, let the insanity begin.
Chris has officially started track and AAU basketball seasons. This means track on Mon, Wed, Thurs. Ball on Tues, Thur, and most weekends and some traveling around the state. Luckily, all of this is helping him stay ahead in his schoolwork hopefully not leaving things to the last minute. He has been so exhausted that he is napping on the bus and when he gets home from school.
Savannah had her 6 months check up. She doubled her birth weight to 16lbs 5 oz and she is 27 1/4 in long. She still isn't a big fan of cereal or baby food, but it is getting a little better. She has cut both bottom teeth and the tops will be here soon. She has a little jerky crawl thing going on and pulls up on anything she can reach. And, drumroll we officially have our first cold, I think. She spent most of the day yesterday sneezing her head off and was up most of the night with the stuffies. Sent Dad and Chris out for saline drops, vapor rub, and a vaporizer.(though she doesn't see very sick from the pic above taken a few minutes ago!)
I start my part time schedule the end of this month. It looks like we have worked out an arrangement where we currently live to be able to stay for now. Lamont and I are trying to figure out a night away sometime soon, since when one is on deck the other is asleep lately. One of us manages one kid while the other runs the other around.
Whatever we are doing, its working. I have happy, healthy kids and that is what it is about!
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