Savannah is one!!!!
This has been one heck of a whirlwind of a year! Savannah turned one on the 18th and we had her party last weekend. It was amazing, she had a blast. It is still hard for me to believe that she is already a year old. From colic and milk allergies, to part-time working, to roseola, and four teeth at once, to walking at nine months, and now to daycare and full time work! That wore me out just writing it.
Watching her become a toddler has been amazing and sad all in one. She is most likely my last and final baby. My miracle I never thought I would have or thought I wanted. The relationship between her and Chris is unbelievable. He loves and protects her and she loves and worships him. No matter how upset she is, he can make her smile no matter what. I am so proud of the way he has handled, this complete upset to his life and world.
I am sure this next year will hold many ups and downs, surprises and disasters. My hope is to entertain you all as Savannah explores the world as a toddler, Chris learns who he is as a tween, I open new and scary doors in my career, and Lamont and I start dating again!
Awwww...I'm so proud of you!!! You are doing a great job!