Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Boys will be boys

To "My Boys"

My boys you are now becoming young men, and my what a transition it has been right before my eyes.

Zach you graced our home on and off for three years now and it is a different place without you here. I know you will have new adventures and amazing family time in Memphis, but a small piece of my heart is broken while I get used to your absence. You laughter and contagious smile will forever be needed in this house. No matter how many miles away you are, you will always be a part of our family and are welcome back at any moment. Hopefully we will have a little spring break road trip to Memphis. Stay strong!!!

My dear Chris. You are an enigma. I think if I ever figure you out, I may just figure myself out. You flippant arrogance will likely make you one of the best attorneys in the world one day. That is if you ever get into "lawyer" school. I am so proud of the man you are becoming. You are crossing all the dots with football, trumpet, great grades etc. I just want you to find your true passion. You are really good at everything and I can't wait till you discover what you are great at and throw yourself full force into it. I will sit back and watch and secretly nudge, since I know if I push it will take you off course. Ballard high was definitely the right fit for your personality.

 Love Mama

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