Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day

My first mother's day with a little girl! I am so excited to get off of work later this morning and spend it with my babies. Hopefully today will be filled with a nice nap, a little couponing, and my son's basketball game around 5.

I asked Chris to cook dinner for me and he told me that he was going to buy an ice cream cake and act like he made it! Gotta love a 12 year old boy. I told the boys I wanted them to cook but no chili, pizza or tacos (that is all my husband knows how to make!)

Well, gotta finish taking care of some patients who are stuck at the hospital on their mother's day.

Happy Mother's Day to all of those who are mothers, who have been mothers, or who desire to be mothers. A mother isn't made so by the presence of her children but by the love and intention in her heart! (quote by muy!)

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