SOOOO, inspired by quite a few of my friends, I have decided to start a blog. I figure it will be interesting for my kids to look at one day and can help keep a lot of my family/friends in the loop of my life, while not limited to the text content of a status update.
Please ignore my grammatical errors, since language arts was not my strong suite. I am not the one to help you write a paper, but if you need a calculus problem solved or an organ dissected, I'm your girl.
My life is currently an experiment in sleep deprived insanity! When surprised with the knowledge of the impending addition to our family last Dec. ( the youngest at the time was ten!), I decided to continue working 12 hour night shifts and keep Savannah at home with me during the day. I came to this decision for two reasons, to avoid the cost of child care as well as the germs/antibiotics that may come along with it. I failed to adequately consider the severe lack of sleep and resulting insanity that would result.
A week in the life of the Shea household looks something like this these days:
- Chris is up an at um at 5AM to catch a 6AM bus to get downtown to middle school, since the one near our house would only teach him gang signs and how to do drugs (Im exaggerating a little, but not by much)
- Lamont works a regular 9-5, which is luckily very flexible about the 9 and 5 part of that.
- I work 7p-7a 3 nights a week, to include every other Fri/Sat/Sun so that I can split up days during the week since sleep does not happen while alone with the sweet precious angel.
- Savannah, hmmm I would have to say that she is allergic to schedules and has violent evil reactions to them. :) We are currently very proud of the fact that she has slept in her crib for the last 3 nights.
Somewhere, in the midst of all that I serve on several committees at work, Chris plays basketball and Tae Kwon Do, Lamont gets his video game fix and sometimes some dinner gets actually cooked at home.
So welcome to the ride, please keep your arms inside the vehicle at all times!