She is getting way too big, way too fast!
We had our 6 month check up this week. She weighs 16lbs. 5 oz. (we made double our birth weight, but just by a smidge). She is also 27 1/2 in. long which is 95% for height. No wonder all her sleeves are up to her elbows and her pants are high waters!
She still isn't eating any solids, so we are gonna try a few tricks. Diff. time of day, diff. things to try to trick her into eating. Her pediatrician says she isn't far from walking, since she can puts her hands out to catch herself. Oh yeah! Just when I was getting used to her rolling all over the place.
I can't wait to conquer the world (cheaply that is) with her and Chris this summer. We will be mall, zoo, park, and swimming pool bound. When I am whining later about how broke I am, I hope to be able to look at all the pics from this summer and realize that experiencing every minute of my baby girl getting big and truly getting to know my son and the man he is becoming are priceless.