Just can't seem to get ahead with these kids!
Chris is still sick, missed two days last week and now is still having headaches and abdominal pain. We were already struggling to make up school work to pull up his math grade from last six weeks and now more missing work.
Savannah is back on a hunger strike. Eating 4/5 oz at a time, and it seems like her belly is bothering her too. She is still sleeping pretty good at night though.
I think I may have overestimated my ability to manage all of this while working at night and not sleeping. I am currently looking at another job opportunity that would allow me to work on the weekends only(but at a large pay cut), which would allow me to be able to manage all of this during the week and maybe restore some type of sanity to our lives.
I knew that having another baby would mean many sacrifices, I am just trying to remind myself that it will all be worth it and that my family will be reminded of what is important, each other!
One day this will all be a distant memory and I will be wishing for the time back!
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